East Kingdom

Office of the Accessibility Porter

Accessibility Links

This page contains a wealth of information in regards to accessibility. It is broken down into four  sections.

General Accessibility Links


Service Information in Document Forms such as Word, PDF, etc.

Service Animal Information

ADA Frequently asked Questions about Service Animals. Americans with Disabilities Act Questions and Answers: Service Animals
Manners Unleashed: Etiquette Regarding Service Dogs  http://www.pacer.org/parent/php/php-c164.pdf
State Laws | Service Dog Central

Regarding Service Animal Law:


This site will take you to individual state and international sites for Service Animal Law.

I have not been to all the sites, but if the NY State example is indicative:
This is a good tool to direct service animal utilizers and event organizers to use.
Please contact us if you find any links broken.

Knowne World Accessibility Porter Information

  1. Kingdom of Aethelmearc website: email contact: http://www.aethelmearc.org/seneschal/
  2. Kingdom of Ansteorra website: None
  3. Kingdom of An Tir website: None
  4. Kingdom of Artemisia website: None
  5. Kingdom of Atenveldt website: None
  6. Kingdom of Atlantia website: None
  7. Kingdom of Caid website: None
  8. Kingdom of Calontir website: None Calontir Silent Heralds Website: http://goodhand.calontir.org/
  9. Kingdom of the East website: Accessibility website This site!
  10. Kingdom of Drachenwald website: None
  11. Kingdom of Ealdormere website: None
  12. Kingdom of Gleann Abhann website: None
  13. Kingdom of Lochac website: None
  14. Kingdom of Meridies website: None
  15. Kingdom of the Middle/The Midrealm website: None
  16. Kingdom of Northshield website: Deputy for Disabilities Issues website
  17. Kingdom of the Outlands website: None
  18. Kingdom of Trimaris website: None
  19. Kingdom of the West website: None
Last Updated on: June 2, 2016 [Anno Societatis L ]
This is the recognized Web Page for the Accessibility Porter of the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by: Webminister This site may contain electronic versions of policy and governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version. Copyright 2004-2016 East Kingdom of the SCA. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site. For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this website, please contact the web minister Webminister. They will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. Frontier Theme